Saturday 17 November 2007

End of the " cheap " holiday !

Decades ago the typical " Aussie battler " took his wife and kids on a summer holiday and managed to keep the cost within his budget.
That typical holiday involved packing camping gear into a trailer and heading off to one of the numerous camping grounds along the coastline.

These camp sites cost just a few dollars a week - and they were primitive. There was usually a shower and toilet block, but cooking was either on a spirit stove or on a fire at a communal BBQ - and after dark lighting was by way of a Hurricane lamp.

Things changed - and some councils decreased camping sites in favour of caravan facilities. These cost more, but power was supplied and water available - and they had the added attraction of privacy.

Now there is further change. Camping sites have almost disappeared - and caravan facilities are fading as councils - with dollar signs in their eyes - replace cheap holiday facilities with cabins.
Sure - these are more luxurious. They have their own refrigerators and the rooms have bunk beds - but in peak season - such as Christmas and Easter - the rental asked can run to well over a thousand dollars a week.

The days of a cheap, family holiday by the sea are a relic of a past age. The councils claim that holiday makers are more sophisticated now - and they demand a level of luxury that is far in excess of the camping days.

Maybe - and then again - maybe not ! Many will fondly remember those camping grounds where fellow travellers reunited year after year - and often watched each other's kids grow up. Friendships blossomed and a few beers around the campfire while the kids played was a relaxing way of life.

Unfortunately, there is no way back. In a few years a camping ground will be entirely a thing of the past - and on present indications - a place to park a caravan will follow not long after.

Holidays are destined to be a luxury only the wealthy can afford. The typical Aussie battler can look forward to spending his holiday break at home - with a beer in hand watching the world on TV ! Pity about the kids !

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