Friday 21 October 2016

Civil Discord !

The third and final debate between the contestants for the American Presidential election was fairly predictable.  The polls show Hillary Clinton with a marginal lead over Donald Trump and the debate offered an opportunity for Trump to close that gap.   There were the usual personal accusations of incompetence and impropriety and both constantly talked over the other, but neither landed a "knockout " blow that would be decisive.

There was one issue in which a vast number of Americans have a critical interest. Trump has constantly asserted that the American election is rigged.  In some instances he has claimed that the result is manufactured by the titans of Wall street and  at others he has blamed the associates of his opponent.  In a speech, his vice preseidential running mate promised that Trump would abide by the decision of the American voters.   Many watching the debate were waiting to hear him repeat and confirm that promise.

Trump was evasive.  His answer indicated that he would examine the result before making a commitment.   For the first time it seems that the result of an election in a highly civilized western country may not be settled by the declaration of the poll.   That is a result that many citizens will have reason to fear !

In many parts of the world elections are little more than a farce.  Despots cling to power by stuffing ballot boxes or by arresting and jailing likely competitors.   Sometimes elections are cancelled for spurious reasons and in others the holder of office stacks the parliament and tries to achieve a constitutional change to alter term limits.   Often, the office holder releases a reign of terror on the voters by the use of thugs and hoodlums to influence the vote. This is not restricted to dirt poor little countries in Africa. Populous trading nations in Asia have suffered similar convulsions.

The results of unfair elections can have extreme consequences.   In some countries it ends democracy when it leads to a military coup and in others it leads to civil war as the contenders of both sides of politics take up arms to achieve their ends.   Often, not even the intervention of the United Nations peacekeepers can restore peace and these guerilla wars go on for years.

This American presidential election has produced a strange phenomenon.  Donald Trump has become a cult figure and he has attracted a following more in keeping with a movie star or a vocal celebrity.  There is no doubt that he is a divisive figure.  He has split the Republican party by taking a stance quite opposite to Republican orthodoxy and it is obvious that his campaign has been shunned by many former Republican presidents.

He has taken up a "populist "agenda that has appeal to many financially hurt by the 08 recession and the many civil liberties movement people who cling to a bygone era. He has passionate followers and if he disputes the result of this coming election he is capable of generating national discord.

Donald Trump is a performer seasoned to the limelight.  He has hosted television shows and is a skilled television performer.  Should he choose to lead a revolt against a loss in this election he could cause serious disharmony across the United States.  He could command the allegiance of a serious number of citizens.

This is an election that may not end with the usual declaration of the result !

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