Tuesday 14 June 2011

" Jumbulla " - a failed idea !

Aspiring politicians try to attract votes by promising to spend public money.  Five of those hoping to become the Lord Mayor of Wollongong at the September council election are proposing the reinstallation of Jumbulla at the Southern Gateway site at Bulli.

It would be a good idea to first give thought to why Jumbulla failed, even after it was given an extensive rent free period by council.

It was touted as " Jumbulla - the Aboriginal Discovery centre " and for $ 15 customers were treated to a forty-five minute diorama and attended by Aboriginal guides.   Attendance amounted to an average four people a day - and it was obvious that what amounted to an " Aboriginal history lesson " was not going to pull in paying customers.

The reinstallation suggestion is a thinly disguised pitch for council to subsidise Jumbulla's losses.   It would be a case of " flogging a dead horse " if Jumbulla returned as a drain on Wollongong ratepayers funds by delivering the same presentation that visitors have avoided in droves.

Southern Gateway is supposed to deliver tourists to the Illawarra and return ratepayers funds by attracting business to the city.  The first priority must be to fix the appalling access problem so that visitors can actually attend the centre - and then it needs something that people want to visit.

Just what that is - is a good question.  Hopefully our best and brightest can come up with a good idea that will attract a flow of potential customers - and if that includes an Aboriginal presence that directs attention to Aboriginal features that people might want to visit - well and good !

What is not an option is to just throw good money after bad and continue with a presentation that has not worked - and which will become an ongoing drain on the resources of this community !

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