Thursday 23 June 2011

Anti-dumping measures !

Forty-five additional staff are to be recruited by Australian Customs to police anti-dumping investigations and implement more customs duty to level the playing field.

Customs needs these added resources to investigate what can be a very complex financial trail - and to have the facilities to take matters to court.

We live in difficult times. The financial world is in turmoil and many industries battle to keep their head above water - and to survive they are prepared to damage competitors and break international trading rules.

It is a well know - and well used - tactic to dump their product into another country's market with the intention of under cutting a competitor - and sending that manufacturer bankrupt. Then - with the way cleared - they increase their prices and gain an advantage.

In almost every case, this involves selling their product below the price charged in their home country, or to actually sell below cost and at a loss to inflict damage and drive a competitor out of business.

We are able to counter this by punitive customs charges - but first we need to do our homework and present a credible case to court. A beefed up Customs is the first step in providing protection to local manufacturing industry - and keeping the pirates at bay !

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