Friday, 25 March 2011

Politics - and flood compensation !

It is often claimed that Wollongong's voting loyalty to Labor delivers indifference to our needs in comparison to what is showered on swinging seats. That seems to be the case in the aftermath to this weeks floods.

When Queensland and Victoria suffered horrific floods the Federal government quickly provided disaster relief in the form of an immediate cash grant of one thousand dollars to each affected family. There were no if''s, but's or maybe's. This was money to buy some dry clothes, get emergency accommodation and replace essentials.

This weeks Wollongong floods brought the same hardship. Saturated furniture and personal affects. Unlivable accommodation. Written off cars.

But - no offer of Federal emergency funds - just this area flick passed to State government emergency relief - which will only swing into action after a lengthy application process - and which will be means tested for assets and incomes.

As a result, many flooded residents are trying to survive in homes considered unlivable because of water damage and without transport or funds to replace essential necessities - because they have no money.

It seems to be a case of being taken for granted because of past voting trends - and just unfortunate timing. Right in the same week as a state election !

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