Tuesday 26 October 2010

Parking - our future city !

Wollongong is facing a " once in a lifetime " opportunity to secure the future of our city. Right in the heart of the CBD - close to our premier sporting venue and the entertainment district the old Dwyer's site lays vacant and covered in weeds.

This is the only suitable land on which to provide the car parking our city desperately needs. If this opportunity is allowed to slip away, Wollongong will never solve it's parking problem.

There is a plan to lease this land short term and allow parking for 195 cars, returning income with a charge of $6 per day. That is a short term solution.

What we need is a bold decision to buy this land. To do it we will need to go into debt, but vacant land in this city would be an investment that can only grow in value and it would give us the breathing space to accommodate increasing population.

At present the land can park 195 cars, but as the need increases the city would own the base on which to built multi-level parking to handle many times that number.

By all means secure the hire of this site, but think long term and bite the bullet. Buying is the way to go - and debt is not a bad thing if it secures an asset that is vital to the future of the city of Wollongong.

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