Saturday 23 October 2010

The lost lakes !

It seems that Mother Nature is sending us a warning. Fool around with our water supplies - at our peril !

Thirlmere lakes - near Picton - have been a favourite with those who race speedboats, but now the water level is relentlessly dropping. These five fresh water lakes have existed for about fifteen million years according to scientists - but now their future is in grave doubt.

Low water levels were not unusual during the recent drought, but in recent months we have had above average rainfall - and for reasons unknown the lake levels are still in sharp decline.

There will be conjecture that Thirlmere lakes are a victim of nearby longwall coal mining. This is barred under our water supplies but many critics contend that it will have long term effects that may not become clear for decades into the future.

Longwall mining leaves behind huge empty caverns in the earth where the coal has been removed. Nature abhors a vacuum - and over time the land above tends to subside. This subsidence can open cracks in many directions - and produce unknown results.

New mining methods are also being developed that include fracturing the base rock to release valuable gases and the economics of longwall far exceed conventional mining practices. We need to be certain that this form of progress is not at the expense of future water availability.

It is essential that our state government not ignore the problem of Thirlmere lakes. This could be the proving point that determines the safety or otherwise of longwall mining - and the need for a safe distance from rivers and water storage to be framed by law.

The writing is on the wall. Mother Nature has issued a clear warning. Ignore it at our peril !

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