Friday, 9 April 2021

Buying without pressure.

 One of the most intelligent ideas to create a stress free evaluation of the makes and models of cars is about to become reality in Sydney.  At present, when we are thinking of buying a new car it means a visit to a dealer's showroom and constant pressure from sales people.

Just imagine visiting a vast showroom where every current make and model is on display and the staff are technical advisers, not salespeople. The customer can enlist impartial advisers to explain the new features built into each new model car and assist the potential buyer in making a choice.  Armed with that information they can then deal efficiently in the showrooms of the people selling the make and model they wish to buy.

Todays motor market is a bewildering array of similar new cars with vastly different technical attributes that take us ever closer to the driverless car.  The beeps and buzzes that alert drivers to the presence of other vehicles can be very distracting and in some cases introduce a fear factor.  Getting all this understood before making a buying decision would best be made without pressure from salespeople.

This bright idea also has the advantage of saving the waste of a lot of time.  All the cars are on view at the one address and not scattered across the city at individual showrooms.  This idea presents the opportunity to carefully compare the differences between cars in a similar price range for the benefits they offer, as well as evaluate the advantages of different model types.

This is a " choice concept " that seems certain to spread well outside a major city like Sydney.  The electric car has not made the sales progress estimated earlier because many buyers are confused about the benefits.  This model showroom will allow buyers to evaluate both the benefits and shortcomings of a choice between electric and petrol.

Choice of a new car is a big ticket item and should be made with care.   The safety evaluation is important and todays vehicles are constructed with crumple zones that protect the occupants in the event of a crash. There is the expectation that each new car offers a higher safety standard than the model it replaces and such ratings are accorded after models participate in crash tests to determine outcomes.

Buying a new car used to be an ordeal in which the hapless customer was besieged by competing sales people.  The outcome was decided on price and not always did the customer drive away in the vehicle best suited for their needs.  Car salespeople were noted for the pressure they exerted..

This viewing concept reverses the growing custom of buying from the internet and reintroducing product comparison as was the custom in the old brick and mortar stores.   The modern car is so needs  evaluation with the help of an independent expert whose pay does not depend on making the sale.

This multi car showroom is the concept of the future - now !

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