Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The killing grounds !

Another body has been discovered in the notorious Belanglo state forest - the killing ground for Ivan Milat who is credited with the torture/murder of seven backpackers there decades ago.

Unfortunately the wide publicity the Milat case received over the years has made Belanglo a choice dumping ground for those wishing to dispose of a body. It is a huge area serviced by a busy highway and if the body is ever discovered it will most likely be blamed on Milat.

Considering the number of people who go missing each year there is every expectation that many of these lay undiscovered in various bushland settings. The discovery in Belanglo was pure chance. Belanglo could hold dozens more - or none !

Advances in forensics - particularly DNA - increase the hope that no matter how degraded a body has become because of the elements - and the attentions of wild animals, there is a chance that recognition of identity may be achieved.

Once again the relatives of the missing will hold their breath - in the hope that a mystery may be solved !

Monday, 30 August 2010

Another bad decision !

Dementia is a disease feared by those of us growing old. It robs the mind of both reason and memory and is classed as a terminal illness. Most people afflicted with dementia live out the remainder of their lives in nursing homes, where they are cared for by trained and compassionate staff.

Unfortunately this disease results in extreme anti social behaviour in some sufferers, and in many cases a relapse into violence against others that can not be accommodated in a normal nursing home environment.

Treating such people requires special facilities - and these have been provided at Garrawarra, near Helensburgh - but now the state government is intending to sell off this facility - and withdraw from specialist treatment of dementia sufferers.

Garrawarra is over a hundred years old and originally was the treatment centre for Tuberculosis. It is a big old hospital, set in pleasant park like grounds and is the only facility treating those with behavioural problems caused by dementia.

The state government wants to opt out of the cost of providing special care facilities and intends to hand it to the private sector. Obviously there is more money to be made treating non violent dementia sufferers, hence it is unreasonable to expect private enterprise to pickup the tab the government is shedding.

If this move proceeds there will be nowhere for problem people to be housed, hence they will either make life uncomfortable for others in conventional nursing homes - or be flick passed to the care of their relatives.

It seems that in the last months of this terminally ill government decisions will be made that will inflict lasting damage on those least able to care for themselves - those suffering acute dementia - and their loved ones !

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Dangerous police work.

Getting the evidence to procure a conviction is the cornerstone of police work, and in many cases this involves a police officer working " under cover " .

The revelation that leaks have occurred from within the police force must send a shiver down the back of those involved in this dangerous activity. In particular, the mix of bikie gangs and big money drug transactions are so rewarding for the criminal fraternity that murder to plug a leak would not be unusual.

No doubt that identity of those working under cover is protected by using codes, but once certain information leaches back to a gang it's very nature can at least pinpoint the likely source - and in some cases can lead to an innocent meeting a gruesome fate.

In this instance the " rat in the ranks " was an analyst processing information gained.

The danger is that police work will be compromised by a reluctance of serving officers to undertake the dangerous task of working undercover - and without that the information flow will be sharply reduced.

Time to sharpen up the " need to know " pipeline and put the information flow in the hands of a single officer that the undercover cop implicitly trusts.

The old adage that " loose lips sinks ships " is very applicable to undercover police work !

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Punishment without trial !

The Australian tax office claims that actor Paul Hogan owes it money. Paul Hogan denies this - and the matter has been unresolved over many years. At no stage has the tax office sought to prove it's claim by issuing a summons and putting Hogan before a court.

Now - in what can only be described as " an act of bastardy " the tax office has issued a detention order preventing Hogan leaving Australia and returning to his wife and family in America.

Hogan has been a constant visitor between the two countries and on this occasion his reason for travelling here was to attend the funeral of his mother. It seems that the tax office is now using it's powers to implement a virtual prison sentence - without bothering to get the permission of a judge.

The aim seems to be turning Hogan into a hostage in the hope that he may be forced to accept their terms in return for freedom. There is no time limit on their travel ban - and as this case has been in progress for years there seems no reason why it might continue on for further years.

Hogan is a well respected actor and film maker. This ban on movement can cause him financial loss and prevent him making further films - and all of this without the tax office proving it's case or even taking the matter to court.

The tax office has been given wide powers to detain those it expects to flee the country owing them money. Hogan is not such a person. Unfortunately the tax office may eventually concede that Hogan is right and owes no taxes - and may then simply withdraw the travel ban - without paying compensation for hurt caused or financial loss.

It seems that the days of the " Gestapo " have not fully ended !

Friday, 27 August 2010

The development levy question.

The state government has got itself into a right royal quandary over it's imposition of a $ 20,000 cap on development levies for new housing estates.

Older people will remember the days following the end of the second world war when returning soldiers created a huge new housing demand - and this resulted in new estates with unsealed roads, a total lack of even the most rudimentary basic facilities or transport - and a wait years long for the installation of a telephone.

Development levies were supposed to remedy a repeat of that situation.

Unfortunately human avarice enters the equation. A $ 40,000 levy is simply peanuts when it is levied on land in a high value - high demand subdivision, but levied on a low cost " Greenfield " project like West Dapto is simply prices land way out of reach of the average battler.

Then there is the " thimble and pea " approach by many councils. They don't actually spend those levies to provide the facilities. The money is squirrelled away earning interest - and that interest is later spent on more fashionable suburbs.

It seems that the only answer is compromise. In exchange for building land being affordable for the battlers they may have to accept a lower standard of surrounding amenities - but where land will command premium prices and generate high demand higher levies would be appropriate.

At the moment the government has blinkers on it's eyes - and only sees a " one size fits all " approach !

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Illogical thinking !

What a strange way of viewing things ! Heaps of abuse levelled at Pacific Brands - makers of iconic " Bonds " products - because this past year they made a profit instead of a loss.

The unions - and even the local newspaper - suggest that by moving production offshore to China they were somehow " disloyal " to their former employees !

Time for a reality check ! An unprofitable company is absolutely no use to anyone - it's employees - it's shareholders - or the country in which it exists. Pacific Brands made a loss of $234.5 million in the year before it's move to China - and turned this around to a profit of $ 52.7 million in the year to June 30.

Obviously those people with their head in the clouds have absolutely zero commercial acumen. Your product has to compete in price with the product of competitors. Unless you can do this - sales drop to unprofitable levels and the company starts down the gurgle hole !

Making garments is labour intensive - and lets face it - Australian workers cost heaps more than those in a low wage country like China. To continue to manufacture here was to face inevitable oblivion.

Nobody likes to see jobs lost, but in labour intensive industries it is better to see the factory gate close as a result of a rational decision - than to soldier on and await bankruptcy - when a broken company may not be able to find the money for employee entitlements.

The present criticism is a case of illogical thinking !

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Religious freedom.

Controversy over the wearing of the burqua bubbles on. On the one hand there are people who demand the " right " to indulge in religious practice even when it conflicts with the law - and yet the law in Australia supersedes religious custom.

For instance, those whose religion insist that they wear a turban are not allowed to use this as a reason for not wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle - or even a humble push bike.

In many eastern countries saffron robed monks walk the streets begging for their daily food. Would this be permitted in Australia - or would the police crack down ?

The law here requires anyone entering a bank to remove items that cover their face - and this includes motorbike helmets. In fact, we have laws that make it a crime to cover the face to avoid detection in a criminal sense. Once again, religious custom and the law come into conflict.

One matter concerning the burqua has just been resolved. A woman giving evidence in court must remove the burqua because the jury is entitled to observe her facial expression to decide if she is telling the truth.

Unfortunately logic will not please everyone. There are those who will insist that religion must take precedence over the law - and others that the law is paramount.

The logical outcome would be compromise. Leave the burqua as legal in most circumstances, but demand that it be removed in instances where the law specifically so requires - such as entering a bank - being identified in respect of the photo license the wearer is proffering - or giving evidence in court.

Unfortunately the law and religion are as easily mixed as oil and water !

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Political reality.

Since Federation, politics in Australia has charted a predictable course. Power has alternated between two main political entities - but the twenty-first century is proving to be different.

At this latest Federal election the voters were equally split between Labor and the Conservatives - but the balance of power will be held by a small number of independents and Greens. One of the major parties will need to gain the support of sufficient " others " to achieve the required numbers to govern.

Obviously this support will be achieved by negotiation - and therefore some of the wishes of the independents will have to be taken on board by the successful major party - and become legislation.

So - we will have two road blocks in the policy area. One in the lower house and a second in the Senate - where horse trading on a tit for tat basis will be the only way forward.

This could be the great change that Australia desperately needed. Politics is no longer the thoughts and aspirations of the men and women we elect to parliament. Behind each major political party are the " faceless ones " who control the factions - and dictate party policies.

Another hand has been added to the levers of power. Those independents will have the chance to change Australia and introduce elements suggested by the rank and file voters - but ignored by " big government ".

Unfortunately this will only work in the short term. Power corrupts - and absolute power corrupts absolutely !

We have just handed power to a small number of people who will eventually morph into a new political party because of that hold on power.

It lends credence to that old adage. The more things change - the more they stay the same !

Monday, 23 August 2010

Car safety limitations !

When we consider buying a new car we are interested in how many safety stars apply to that make and model. Most new cars strive for the coveted " Five Star " safety level - but unfortunately this only applies to front seat passengers.

Those that ride in the back seat have not seen much of an increase in protection levels from decades past.

Those up front sit behind automatic air bags, buckled into their seats with seat belts that are fitted with load limiters to decrease rib fractures and other damage.
Rear seat passengers have to make do with seat belts that lack these safety features - and without even a thought of an air bag.

In one way it probably makes some sense. We are a nation that uses our car for mostly solo journeys - followed by car trips that contain only a driver and a front seat passenger. The number of journeys with all seats filled is minimal.

But surely the method of granting those safety stars could be improved to include rear seat safety - and surely if a sixth star applied to improvements in rear seat safety the car manufacturers would pursue it eagerly. At the moment - there is no incentive to spend money on rear seat improvements.

Maybe our lawmakers are not thinking outside the nine dots ! New laws mandate that children must ride in the back seat of cars - and teenage drivers - who have the worst ratio of road accidents to drivers - are the most likely to have their car full of fellow teenagers.

More thought on rear seat safety could pay dividends in lives saved !

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Mixed messages !

Yesterday the people of Australia went to the polls to elect a new government. What they delivered was a mixed message that will make passing legislation a matter of painful compromise.

It is not yet certain whether Labor or the Liberal/National coalition will cobble together the numbers to rule, but it seems that Australia will join those other fragmented parliaments in Europe and elsewhere which lack the ability to implement unpopular decisions.

Whoever governs will be faced with a bevy of independents and one lone Green in the lower house - and the usual mix of independents and Greens holding the balance of power in the Senate.

The word " compromise " will replace the stated policies of the government because to get legislation through either chamber will involve horse trading with those who hold the most power with the least representation.

The end result is " weak " government - and this at a time when world events make it imperative that those who hold the levers of power be bold and make firm decisions to set this country on the right course.

An outright win by either of the main parties would have been preferable to what the voters inflicted on the country yesterday !

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Abandoned babies !

Desperate mothers abandoning babies seem to be a regular occurrence in this country. Sometimes the outcome is positive and the child survives, but recently a dead baby was found in a shoe box in the garden of an apartment building.

There have been calls for safe facilities to be provided - as is normal in a lot of other countries, but this has been totally ignored by both the churches and the politicians.

Pregnancy is a major hazard for many women. There are religious taboos that can involve grave consequences - and in some case death by execution. Personal relationships can fray and then there is the delicate balance within individual families that cause some women to desperately keep a birth secret.

The outcome can be a baby left on a stranger's doorstep ! Or it can result in a dead child abandoned in a public place. Both should be unacceptable in a caring society.

It would cost so little to create a safe refuge for an unwanted child in such places as fire stations or hospitals - which are manned 24/7.

All that is needed is a delivery box in a discreet position, connected to a buzzer that would alert staff. It would be wise if this buzzer had a time delay of a minute or so to give the distressed mother time to walk away unchallenged, thus ensuring that the facility would be more likely to be used.

Why is this logical need unmet ? Is it because of the dead hand of religion which seems to have strange inhibitions on pregnancy - and the sex act that precedes it - or is it the usual apathy of our politicians when it comes to problems that only concern women ?

Today we go to the polls to elect Federal politicians - and early next year we will have a state election.

What odds this subject does not get a mention when the state election hoop-la begins well before next March ?

Friday, 20 August 2010

" Two bob each way ".

There were two grossly contradicting stories in this mornings newspaper.

On the one hand, the NSW Planning Guidelines urged councils to reject rezoning and development applications for housing on land expected to be adversely affected by rising sea levels.

On the other, it seems that the final go-ahead has been given to Stockland to proceed with the McCauley's Beach subdivision at Sandon Point.

Obviously two conflicting needs go head to head in this area. Those who own land with a beach aspect have a valuable asset and will fight any attempt to put restrictions on it's use.

Councils - and the state government - have a responsibility to protect against loss if rising water levels destroy beach side housing.

It all comes down to uncertainty ! Is global warming real ? Will the ice sheets melt and cause sea levels to rise ? And if this happens - by what amount will this inundation occur ?

Ask a dozen different scientific bodies - and you will get a dozen very different answers !

It looks like all levels of government are having the traditional Aussie " two bob each way " bet on this question.

Don't make a final decision - don't do anything to upset the status quo - because what is going to happen - or maybe not happen - is sometime in the future - when either the politician involved or his party will be someone else's responsibility !

It's called " duck shoving " the issue !

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Sinking ship mystery !

There is something strange about the sudden sinking of the South Korean registered " Oyang 70 " in the Great Southern ocean - off the south island of New Zealand.

This large fishing vessel - under charter to New Zealand - carried a mixed Asian crew of fifty-one and despite average weather conditions - plunged to the bottom in just ten minutes. As a result, forty-five of the crew managed to scramble into life rafts and survived, three drowned - and another three are missing and all hope for them has been abandoned.

Water temperatures are just seven degrees and it seems that immersion suits were not worn. These essentials in cold water areas extend survival to about three hours, hence judging by the elapsed time there is no hope that the missing can still be alive.

It is essential that there be a thorough and widespread investigation into this sinking. It seems incredible that a modern, major vessel can sustain problems that deliver just ten minutes to abandon ship before a seaworthy ship sinks to the bottom.

There will be suspicion that some foreign registered ships do not meet modern safety standards and if this proves correct legal action against the owners is not only possible - but likely.

Those that make their living on the sea are entitled to the protection of valid safety laws.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

The " Scrooge " mentality !

Ever since the introduction of " wheelie bins " the posting of Wollongong council mid-year rate notices have included a very handy calendar with a magnet to attach to the fridge. This calendar has weeks printed in either yellow or black - to alert residents whether it is garden waste of recycling bins that need to go kerbside.

This year that calendar was missing - because the people that gave us parking meters decided on a cost cutting measure.

How strange ! We did not need - and we certainly did not want parking meters, but the " Three Stooges " inflicted on us by the state government forced this issue. Perhaps they should be the called the " Three Scrooges " for ending that inexpensive calendar that put an end to bin day confusion.

Apparently this act of stealth has a silver lining. A call t0o council will get an offer of them posting you such a calendar - but once again the "Scrooge " mentality has been at work.

What arrives in the post is a pale shadow of it's former presentation. Instead of light cardboard this calendar is printed on flimsy paper - and that fridge magnet has gone missing.

Welcome to the " el cheapo " version, but without any publicity to warn the public that they now need to ask to have it provided !

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Trial by innuendo !

A great piece of theatre is being enacted in the Supreme court. A woman is on trial, accused of murdering her day old baby because she wanted to pursue her sporting career as a water polo star. Caring for a child would hinder that ambition.

It is an uneven contest. Presenting the case for conviction is one of this country's top prosecutors - with QC after his name. There is no evidence to support the charge. The case relies entirely on innuendo !

What must disturb many people is the similarity to an event very many years ago - when a woman was accused of murdering her baby near Ayer's Rock. This woman claimed that a Dingo took the child - but the prosecution made a damning case by using innuendo - and this was supported by public conjecture that twisted the woman's religion as a motive. It was even suggested - incorrectly - that the baby's name meant " sacrifice in the desert ".

The eloquence of the prosecution won the day. The woman was convicted and languished in gaol for years - before fresh evidence cleared her name.

Are we about to see another unequal contest where a brilliant prosecutor can mesmerise a jury and create a scenario that is beyond belief - but without hard evidence that supports the case - or that can even definitely prove that the child is not still alive ?

This seems to be one of those times when there is a doubt as to why this case is before a court. The most slippery of slippery slides is when a jury is asked to decide a trial based purely on " probability " - and therefore the decision will most likely rest on the oratory of what can only be described as a " paid performer " - whose best skill is to be believed !

Sadly, those in the legal profession with that skill usually get accolades and rich rewards. Unfortunately, the same skills determine either the guilt or innocence of lesser mortals !

Monday, 16 August 2010

The " Mark Latham " solution !

Last night on the " Sixty Minutes " programme, ex-Labor leader Mark Latham urged voters to simply return their unmarked voting slips to the ballot box as some sort of protest against politics.

Australia is one of the few countries in the world that requires citizens to at least turn up and be counted at voting booths - or cop a hefty fine. It is legal to not mark voting intentions - but it is also a waste of a right many world citizens would cheerfully lay their life on the line to possess.

At the end of the day next Saturday there will be a winner - and a loser - when the votes are counted. Either Julia Gillard or Tony Abbott will become the prime minister and the political party they represent will run the country for the next three years.

Many people comment that these two parties show few policy differences, and yet it is the differences that are worth putting pen to paper to select. If the average person can not find a few conflicting issues on which to decide - then they are not paying attention .

Those who deliberately opt out of voting are often the first - and the loudest - to squawk when an incoming government implements policies with which they disagree. If they didn't bother to make their wishes known - then they have no right to judge the results.

Those that follow Mark Latham's advice are destined to get the government they deserve !

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Killing the Goose !

You would think government's would be grateful that public spirited groups pitch in to provide services that are beyond the reach of their departments.

In the education area some schools in socially depressed districts have helpers who provide both " before school and after school care " to prevent little children becoming " latch key kids " - and therefore exposed to danger.

There are even groups that make sure kids get breakfast before the school day starts. In the past, these sort of organizations at least were permitted the use of school premises for a peppercorn rent.

Not any more. The Mandarins of the bureaucracy have implemented a " standardized leases " policy - with the result that one such provider has seen annual rent fly from $ 1,000 to $ 14,000. As a consequence, this service has ceased !

As usual such decisions are made in the rarefied heights of the bureaucracy and there is no input at the coalface. It is only after the damage is done that the loss is felt by those who can least afford the removal of such services.

It seems that the responsible minister is happy to front and take the plaudits for new innovations - but missing in action when things fall apart.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Curbing bank excesses !

A week from today we will go to the polls and elect a government to run this country. What will not be amongst the promises of those running for office is a plan to curb the excesses - and plain banditry - practised by the big four banks.

The big mistake was selling off the Commonwealth bank. While this was government owned it maintained an ethical policy on lending and fees - and this set the standard for the private banks. When it was sold it joined " the gang of four " - and it's principles were tossed out the window.

What Australia needs now is the reintroduction of a government owned bank to restore ethical balance - and the opportunity is staring us in the face.

The post office is staring at redundancy as the electronic world passes a death sentence on " snail mail ". Every city suburb, town and village has it's post office - and so we already have in place the distribution for a new government bank.

Unfortunately the whole spectrum of politics offering at this election have no policy of fixing our banking system by re-energising the ethics of banking by creating a new government owned bank.

Who said that government has no place in banking ? Certainly not the mums and dads who are being hard hit by exorbitant fees and unfair fiscal policy.

Using the existing post office network could see a new bank emerge to quickly challenge the excesses of the " gang of four " - and restore stability - at a very reasonable base cost.

Unfortunately it is not on any immediate political horizon !

Friday, 13 August 2010

Threats - versus courtesy !

Without doubt, the rudest organization in this country is Centrelink.

In every communication with their clients Centrelink provides a time frame within which their demand must be met - and goes on to say that failure may result in payments being stopped.

Every person having dealings with Centrelink is treated as a potential malingerer who will ignore their demands. No courtesy is extended to the vast majority of people who promptly and cheerfully comply within the given time frame.

Just imagine the uproar if the providers of electricity, water and gas were to threaten disconnection if their bill was not paid on time. This would be considered a gross discourtesy - because such threats are only applicable after a customer has broken their agreed contract.

Courtesy demands that people be given the benefit of the doubt - until a failure results in further consequences being applied.

Centrelink is short on courtesy - and long on using it's monopoly status to threaten and bludgeon it's customers to toe the line - and that is unlikely to change anytime soon !

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Confused world time !

For over a century world time has been measured by the distance from a central point - and this has been known as " Greenwich Mean Time " (GMT ).

Time reliability is the cornerstone of world trade. Without it, commerce in all it's forms, plus travel would be thrown into confusion - and now that is about to happen.

The Islamic world has built a clock tower in Mecca and is promoting this as the new world time standard to challenge GMT - and this introduces a religious element. It is likely that some Islamic countries may set their clocks on Mecca time, creating confusion in airline schedules and making general communications almost impossible.

If common sense does not prevail we are likely to go back centuries - to when a variety of different calendars were in use - and still are in some backward countries.

Unfortunately the obsession with religion will play a big part in the decision as to which time system will prevail - and as we have seen in so many world events - religion and common sense are not compatible bed mates !

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Paedophile anonymity !

Two conflicting tenets of law come into conflict when it applies to paedophiles !

We contend that when a convicted person has served his or her sentence for a crime they are entitled to re-enter society as a free person.

We require paedophiles to be recorded on a register after their release - because this crime has a history of re-offence.

Somewhere in the centre of this conflict of interests comes the matter of anonymity of the released person !

On the one hand, families with children contend that they have a right to know if a released paedophile is living nearby - and to guard their children accordingly.
Unfortunately, some people take this role to the physical stage of picketing and harassing - to drive the former offender out of the neighbourhood.

There simply is no perfect answer to this conundrum !

But it is certainly not helped by Melbourne broadcaster Derryn Hinch thumbing his nose at the law and - and both naming previous offenders and disclosing their address.

It is a clear case of either enforce the law - or make a legal change.

An area where angels fear to tread !

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Terrorists - beware !

Indonesia is fast changing ! When Suharto was the dictator in charge he came down hard on terrorists. After his fall, weak governments tried appeasement - with disastrous results. Now the wheel has turned .

Notorious terrorist leader Abu Bakar Bashir has been arrested and an elite Indonesian anti-terrorist squad has started to breakup his newly formed cell - operating under the initials JAT. At the same time, pressure is being applied to his old organization - Jemaah Islamiah.

Indonesia - under president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( SBY ) has realised that it is impossible to negotiate with terrorists - or live peaceably with them.

The south Pacific seems destined to be a safer place now that Indonesia has made the decision to turn it's full attention to the small cadre of religious extremists who have ignored the peaceful worship of Islam by the vast majority - and set out to create Jihad in this country to our north.

It will be a long fight - and it will not be won easily - but Indonesia now has a president who means business !

Monday, 9 August 2010

School - sport - and politics !

Julia Gillard's latest plan to end truancy - ban serial truants from the sporting field !

Kids who dodge school will not be allowed to play any sport at premium level. The idea is to make a good school attendance record conditional on earning the big money - and fame - that goes with being selected to the top level of all sports.

If this crazy idea is ever adopted it will hit hardest where it will do the most damage. Truancy is endemic in remote Aboriginal communities - and judging by their numbers in League, AFL and Union - many Aboriginal kids have found their salvation when their aptitude for sport has been discovered.

Does Julia really think that little primary grade kids are going to mend their ways and dutifully attend school - because they have aspirations to make it big on the footy field in later life ?

Sounds like the " carrot and stick " approach - but in this case a whopping big stick - and no carrot !

Back to the drawing board ! Make school a more interesting place - and do a big sell to the parents who are indifferent to the advantages of education - and forget about making sport conditional on ending truancy.

At best - that idea sounded like election eve desperation !

Sunday, 8 August 2010

The elephant in the room !

In the past few days one glaring impediment to a Labor victory at the August 21 election has been evident - disunity.

The almost palpable distrust between Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd has been joined by a ghost from the past - ex-Labor leader Mark Latham who almost gleefully seeks to stir the fires of resentment for his own advantage.

Latham was a disaster as a leader. Few will forget his petulant claim to illness after his convincing defeat by John Howard - and his later discovery living it up at a holiday resort while turning his back on official duties as a party leader.

That set Labor back light years - until the coming of the " wonder boy " - Kevin Rudd. The party decided that Rudd was " unelectable " after a series of policy gaffes - and changed horses in midstream.

It now looks like they may have shot themselves in the foot. A wounded Rudd sulking in the background and a revengfull Latham lurking in a media role are taking the gloss off Gillard - and the voter's are strange creatures when it comes to making political decisions.

Tony Abbott may end up winning this election by default. He is not popular and there is some mistrust about his policies - but if Labor is discerned as being in a leadership mess - unpredictable results may follow.

The worst possible result would be a hung parliament - with the Greens holding the balance of power - ending the era of responsible government !

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Nuclear power stations.

It's about time Australia faced reality when it comes to generating electricity by way of nuclear power. For too long we have had our head in the sand and refused to even discuss the possibility.

Twenty-nine world countries have nuclear power - and another fifty-four generating stations are planned to be built. In Australia - we are still burning coal and ruminating about wind/solar.

Demand for electric power is rising sharply each year, not only because our population is increasing - but also because innovation and industry are increasing the uses to which electricity is put. There is little chance that this situation will change anytime soon.

Australia has about a third of the world's uranium - and not a single nuclear power generator.

Time to bite the bullet. We are still harping on about Chernoble - and choosing to forget that those twenty-nine other countries have been running their reactors accident free for decades - and have now chosen nuclear as the only way to guarantee to meet base load needs.

If we are fair dinkum about saving the planet from global warming - the only answer is to dump coal and burn nuclear !

Friday, 6 August 2010

Pie in the sky !

A very fast train from Wollongong to Sydney ! In fact the Maglev has been resurrected, dusted off - and presented as a possible solution to our problems.

There seems only one fly in the ointment ! It is the eve of a Federal election - and that is the silly season when desperate governments trying to claw their way back to office reach into the smoke and mirrors department.

Just like another famous - half built - rail connection to western Sydney, this will see a twenty million dollar feasibility study thrown at it - but of course all that will happen after the election.

For any improvement in the rail connection to Sydney one major undertaking must occur first - and that is a tunnel from Thirroul to Waterfall to replace the steam era track winding up from the escarpment to the flat lands.

Without that there can be no improvement by way of Maglev or fast electric trains - and have you noticed that there is no mention of that tunnel is this latest " pie in the sky " election promise.

It's a bit hard to get excited - when we have heard this all before - so many times !

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Prisoner safety !

This would not be a good time to be arrested ! You might face a very long wait for transport to a police station.

The entire fleet of two hundred and fifty police paddy waggons have been taken off the road - because they are likely to tip over without warning, subjecting both prisoners and police officers to injury.

It seems that the bureaucrats slapped a prisoner pod onto the rear of Ford Ranger vehicles - without any consideration as to what this extra weight and bulk would do to the handling safety.

Once again, the state budget will be compromised by another blunder. There will be added cost acquiring emergency transport for prisoners and at the same time there will need to be an urgent replacement of this vehicle fleet.

How about cutting the bureaucrats out of the equation and letting the vehicle manufacturers design a prisoner pod that suits their vehicle design ?

The chance of that happening is about the same as fairies appearing suddenly at the bottom of our gardens !

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

A " greener " car fuel.

Motorists will notice a new fuel blend pump at their petrol outlet in coming weeks - but they dare not use it in their car !

We are about to get Bio E-Flex fuel - which will be designated as E-85. This is a car fuel that will contain 85% ethanol - and consequently will have a massive drop in harmful emissions.

The soon to be released next model of the Holden Commodore will have a " flex: engine system that can use both normal petrol and E-85, and it is also suitable for some European built cars. It is expected that other manufacturers will quickly follow suit.

This is a natural progression from the presently available E-10 - a blend of ten percent ethanol - and we can expect that E-85 will be at a significantly lower price because of it's increased ethanol content.

But - don't break out the champagne just yet !

Remember when the government was pushing motorists to convert their cars to liquid petroleum gas ? It was heaps - and heaps - and heaps cheaper than petrol !

Look at the price of gas now !

And remember that the tax man never loses out in the long run !

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

What price for sex ?

A young woman working for department store David Jones had an unfortunate encounter with it's chief executive. He asked her for a bit of nookey !

She complained - and the store did the right thing. The chief executive got fired !

Now this young woman is suing David Jones and it's directors - for an amazing thirty-seven million dollars. She says she is entitled to five percent of the chief executives salary - and five percent of the stores annual profits.

Just why she thinks that a simple request for sex should result in the store paying such a penalty is unclear.

Ever since the opposing genders of male and female appeared on the earth the battle for sexual favours has raged. There must be few men on this planet who have not coveted some woman in their lifetime - and few women who have not been flattered to find that a man finds them attractive.

The only issue here seems to be the status of the male concerned. As the chief executive, this guy had power ! He could promote - or he could deliver retribution for a refusal - and for that indiscretion he was cast adrift and lost a well paying job.

It seems that David Jones did the right thing - and this young woman claims that all she wanted was to be " treated with respect ".

Surely firing the offender was a reasonable outcome - and this claim for a ridiculous amount of money is sheer opportunism !

Or perhaps a bold move to grab fame and fortune by becoming a " celebrity " !

Monday, 2 August 2010

Safety - and the coming fire season !

The Black Saturday Royal Commission report has been released, and it is suggested that it's recommendations will be studied by those responsible for fire safety in the Illawarra.

This area is unique in that we live with a forested escarpment that presents a huge fire danger. It last burned about 1968 - and since then there has been a steady increase in homes built on the edge of the tree line.

Just what evacuation plan exists in case of a major fire - and where can residents obtain a copy ?

Where are the emergency assembly points ? Where are the designated " safe spots " for residents to shelter ? How will evacuation warnings be conveyed to those in danger ?

The Black Saturday Royal Commission report is really nothing more than an investigation of the short comings of preparation for a fire event in Victoria that killed 197 people.

It should be taken as a warning for the Illawarra to get ready for the inevitable burning of the escarpment - which is a absolute certainty to happen some time in the future.

Otherwise - we will eventually be reading an " Illawarra Catastrophe Royal Commission report - detailing the short comings of preparation for a fire event that caused many deaths in this region.

It's not a matter of " if " it happens ! Merely a case of " when " !

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Insider trading !

We have some very strange laws on the books these days ! If anyone gets a little privileged information and uses that to profit from share trading they can be arrested and charged with " insider trading ".

Yet we can legally bet on horses, dogs, all forms of football and other sports - and who wins or loses elections !

Now it appears that the politicians are laying bets on not only the outcome of the Federal election due later this month - but the state election to be held early next year.

It seems that this betting is often on the basis that the party they represent losing the election will reward them with a profit.

It would seem to many that this is a form of insider trading. Not only do politicians have access to the intense voter samplings taken out by all political parties, but they are in a position to influence the outcome.

Some may even wonder if the stream of cabinet leaks undermining Julia Gillard's chance of election victory are coming from a political insider with a big wager on a Labor loss !

If so, we have reached a new low in politics !