Monday, 31 May 2010

Jump racing ban !

The RSPCA is calling for a ban on jump racing in Victoria and South Australia, the last two states permitting these events.

Any type of race involving riders and horses carries a risk of death for both human and animal. The fact that jump racing requires contestants to leap over barriers increases that risk.

The question seems to be - just what is an acceptable risk ?

Just about every known sport has the risk of an accident, and yet many people only become concerned when an animal is involved. There are those who would like to see polo banned - and yet more riders than horses suffer injury.

One line of complaint in seeking a ban on jump racing concerns the matter of consent. Riders are well paid for accepting the risks involved - and do so of their own free will. The horses do not have this luxury !

The fact that jump racing exists in just two states indicates that it's proponents are fighting a losing battle. Each time there is a spectacular fall it gets air time on the evening news - and opinion swings to greater support for a ban.

In the end - it will be public opinion that decides the issue !

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