A very dangerous plan is brewing in the minds of the New South Wales state government. It plans to introduce a review of " the worst of the worst " prisoners in our gaols - with the view of incarcerating them indefinitely even when their sentences expire.
No doubt the impending elections have a lot to do with this proposal. It would appeal greatly to the " lock them up and throw away the key " mentality of many victims of crime.
The idea is to target those who refuse to accept responsibility for the crime for which they have been convicted - and those who refuse any form of rehabilitation while housed in the prison system.
Basically, it introduces the notion of a second trial and a form of re sentencing !
When the original judge and jury has done it's job the prisoner may come under the scrutiny of a panel of politicians who will second guess the original punishment - and may keep that prisoner incarcerated indefinitely.
If the public can be whipped up to a frenzy by the media when a person serving time for a heinous crime is nearing release, the politicians can make capital by keeping that person in prison.
It simply throws " habeas corpus " and " Magna Carta " out the window and introduces a new prison sentence - " Trial by politician ".
It sounds good in theory, but then prison was never intended to become a popularity contest. And that is precisely what it would become if this measure of law was to become the norm !
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