Sunday, 7 March 2010

A political " execution " !

Politicians hold their seats on the gravy train at the will of the voters - and yesterday a politician was sent packing for bad behaviour.

Belinda Neal will not represent the Australian Labor party when the voters go to the polls in the Federal seat of Robertson. Branch members voted ninety-eight to sixty-seven to replace her with a new face.

The indiscretion that caused this revolt was named " Iguanagate ". Neal sought privilege above ordinary Australians because of the position she held and tried to bully staff at a restaurant. This is perhaps the ultimate sin in the eyes of most voters.

The system of politics in this country provides a huge consolation prize for politicians who find themselves dumped from their parliamentary seats.

Provided they have met the qualification of a second term in office the gravy train disgorges a pension for life that ordinary people could only dream about, and that takes no notice of the age of the person - or future earnings once the political life has ceased.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons that brings a feeling of " elitism " to elected representatives - and leads to behaviour that is unacceptable to the average person.

What remains to be seen is whether this " execution " by the political party will head off voter disdain - or whether the rejection will continue when the people go to the polls !

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