Monday 5 July 2021

 Hi there,

Some sad news that my old Dad, Geoff, passed away early this morning.

Writing this blog was one of the great joys of his life, especially in his later years as his health and mobility became more of a challenge.

But he loved the discipline of researching and writing his blog, ready to get up at 5 am each day and hit that ‘publish’ button.

And he just loved the blog map, so proud that he had followers from so many countries and would happily monitor the spread of his ‘international followers’ with great pride.

As his daughter, I also loved his blog but for different reasons. As his health deteriorated over the past few years, I could quietly log on to his blog and check that he had posted and the time. As that was an indicator of his well being. Anything between 5 and 530 am was fine but later than that meant that he was  unwell. So I could could keep a watching eye on him without being being the pushy, old nurse ( that I am)

For those of you who have been reading this blog, you will know that he was a very thoughtful man who valued fairness, reason, social equity and commonsense. He loved challenging the status quo, looking for better options, different ways to solve a problem.

He had an endless curiosity and energy to look for explanations and answers.

I would like to thank you all for supporting Dads blog.

Vale Geoff  25th December 1933 - 5th July 2021.


His daughter, Deb

1 comment:

  1. I for one will miss Geoff's insights and passion.

    Thank you for the update Deb.
