Tuesday 15 June 2021

A Wicked World !!

There once was a time when the laws of most countries were in tandem with the laws of whichever Church was foremost in attracting the support of the population.  Great congregations dutifully went to church every Sunday and the government ruled by obeying the laws of the church.

That is still common in some parts of the world, but a vast schism has opened up between church liturgy and the will of the people We are fast reaching the stage where. the laws in force run directly opposite the teachings of the church.  The church voices its opposition but party politics is dependent on votes and the decisions made mirror the opinion  of the masses.

To a high degree, the divisive point between Church and state revolved around the sexual act. The  churches insist that marriage is a union for life and refuse to offer the sacrament to those who divorce.

We have now reached the stage where divorce has been taken out of the hands of the church and is the jurisdiction of a Federal court.  Each parliament will decide who gets a divorce - and for what reason.  Marriage as a ceremony practised by an ordained minister is now more commonly administered by a civil celebrant.

Abortion was long held to be a civil crime, but today is legal in many parts of the world. Homosexuality has long been forbidden, but referendum's in many countries has seen it attain legal status and same sex marriage is now widely practised openly.

Sex before marriage was once seen as a cardinal sin, but the majority of the world's population cohabit today without the benefit of a church blessing.  Sex is a tradeable commoddity in the world marketplace and is publicly extolled in the movie industry.

Attendance at church has fallen away over many centuries but still attracts followers at Christmas and Easter.  It would be impossible for the great churches of the world to change their message and accept the fundamentals of how the population chooses to live their lives.

What we are seeing is the emergence of various sects which offer forgiveness for the wickedness of humankind.  The great religions are in retreat because of the emergence of sexual relations moving out of control and guided by the masses.

It is evident that the churches have lost the power to deliver shock and their threat to impose vengeance in the afterlife no longer terrifies sinners.  

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