Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The man nobody wants !

Edward Snowden is a man with a trove of secrets - and it seems that few world countries are prepared to grant him refuge.      When he disclosed details of the American NSA's data mining programme he knew that the full forces of the American intelligence network would seek to make an arrest - and he would probably end up in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

He flew from Hawaii - and his first stop was Hong Kong.   That must have alarmed the owner of Hong Kong because the last thing China needs is a spy drama with the United States.   The issue was flick passed when an arrest and deportation order was ignored - and Snowden started the next leg of his journey - to Moscow.

Russia would not welcome a diplomatic row souring the already testy relations with Washington and it seems that Snowden had a hasty interview with the Ecuadorian ambassador before taking to the air again - and this time his destination was Cuba.

Washington/Havana relations have been steadily improving and the Communist regime would think twice before offering him sanctuary, but it is likely that they will allow a whistle-stop change of aircraft if his final destination is Ecuador.

It seems that tiny Ecuador is fast becoming the bolt hole of choice for those who have managed to offend the great powers.  Julian Assange is holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London - and it seems that Ecuador is punching well above it's weight in world affairs.

The big question is what Snowden will do next.   The damage is done with the revelation of the NSA data mining, but it is rumoured that he has many more secrets that he will start to reveal once his home status has been settled - and that must be a worry to any country thinking of offering him sanctuary.

The long arm of the US has many ways of dealing with enemies of the state, and that pays little attention to national borders - as Pakistan, Afghanistan and surrounding countries have learned.

If Snowden find a a home in Ecuador, he may be wise to keep a very low profile because the option of taking out a fugitive with a Hellfire missile fired from a drone would be a very real danger.

He is certainly not the man the average citizen would welcome as a neighbour !

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