Thursday 9 December 2010

Of men - and women !

Last nights national news brought a new image of Julia Gillard. Our first female prime minister is usually impeccably coiffured - but viewers must have noted that the parting line in her hair was distinctly outlined with the evidence of age - or stress.

Gray hair and it's first appearance is something to be dreaded by many people, but this is specially so if that person is of the female gender. The male can get away with a tinge of gray by claiming it as a sign of wisdom. For the female it is evidence of declining beauty - to be covered by the vast array of cosmetic wash and rinse products in our chemist shops.

It is all about image - and when you are the prime minister that image is vitally impiortant. It would be hard to think of Kevin Rudd with gray hair because that would detract from his boyish appearance, once the cornerstone of his appeal to many voters.

Julia Gillard is at the point in her career where she will establish a lasting impression in the minds of citizens. Thinking back to other women who held the pinnacle of power, Margaret Thatcher comes to mind with a pugnacious jaw - and that always present handbag - and Golda Meir's lined face and mop of grizzled hair.

Will Julia forsake the colour wash that replaced her fiery red hair with a muted auburn and allow nature to dictate her image ? Or will her note of distinction be that classic " Aussie drawl " with which she delivers her lines ?

It seems that decision time has arrived - and when image is concerned there is a vast difference between the options open to men - as opposed to women.

The media - and the women's lobby - will await Julia's decision with bated breath !

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