Friday, 2 July 2010

New Real Estate emerging !

If the global warming people are right, within a decade or so both the Arctic and the Antarctic will be ice free in summer ! That will raise the thorny question of - ownership !

Half a millennium ago that was clear. The first explorer to find new territory simply planted his country's flag on the beach - and proclaimed it the property of his king, emperor or president.

Nobody bothered with the frozen lands at both the poles because it was so covered in ice to be uninhabitable - but that is about to change.

If the ice retreats it will leave a land with the potential to be a rich source of various minerals - and possibly oil !

Perhaps now would be a good time for the United Nations to plant the world flag and claim these territories, under the jurisdiction of the International court of justice.

At least that would be the first step to getting the various countries of the world to recognise the United Nations as the supreme authority - something that has been sadly lacking since it's inception !

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