The city of Wollongong was inflicted with parking meters while in the hands of administrators chosen by the state government. This action took place against the wishes of the majority of citizens - and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Business owners report as much as a forty percent drop-off of trade since shoppers were required to pay to park.
The council insists that shoppers will get used to paid parking and things will return to normal when the shock wears off.
That attitude flies in the face of reality. Wollongong mall and it's surrounding streets are not an enticing place to shop. The mall is dreary - and indeed a dangerous place at night and the upgrade plans do nothing to change that situation.
Parking meters simply provide one more reason for shoppers to choose Corrimal or Warrawang - or experience a " real " shopping centre at Miranda.
Sadly, the people of Wollongong are stuck with this mess.
In a year or so the administrative trio will be gone, replaced with an elected council and the damage will be apparent. Empty shops abandoned by those who could no longer make a living, making the city centre reminiscent of the fate that befell upper Crown street.
And the victims didn't get a vote on the parking meter issue !
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