Sunday, 26 April 2009

A silly question !

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is trying to move away from his promise to hold a referendum on moving to a republic. Greens leader Bob Brown is trying to have that question included in the vote at the next Federal election.

The monarchy has served us well and a change to a republic would have no real benefit for this country - other than to massage some egos. It would cost a lot of money - not least the reprinting of all Commonwealth stationery - including our banknotes - and the renaming of all institutions prefaced with the word " Royal ".

Let us consider how it would look if we were already a republic - and we were considering returning to an Australian monarchy.

The task would be to find an Australian to elevate to the position of king. That person would have to be very special, because in perpetuity his offspring would rule this country and have a life of great privilege.

Even selecting a king would be argumentative. The women's movement would surely favour a feminine head of state. It could probably only be resolved by tossing a coin to decide which gender would be the primary ruler.

Then there would be the matter of rewriting the constitution to establish the rules under which the royal charter would rule.

In Britain neither the monarch or immediate heirs may be followers of the Roman Catholic church. Would an Australian monarchy be restricted to Christians ? Would Muslims be debarred from wearing the crown ?

Then there is the matter of a residence ! Obviously the king/queen would be required to live in Canberra, the national capital - but should there be a royal residence in each of the state capital cities ? And would this be a state or a Federal cost ?

In all probability the voters would baulk at the prospect of selecting an Australian citizen to assume the mantle of king in perpetuity. That simply does not make sense !

There is more appeal in voting into office a president every few years, because opinions change and a change of president brings with it a change of person - and a change of style.

When the decision on a republic or a monarchy is eventually made by the voters - whenever that may be - considering the issue along these lines may be helpful !

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