Friday, 2 March 2007

A common education policy.

A rare concurrence is occurring in Australian politics. Both the Federal government and the Federal Opposition agree that this country needs a common education policy !
In a hangover from the early days of Federation when the colonies reluctantly agreed to form a new nation - but each clung desperately to state powers - education became a state preserve - and as a consequence we have the ridiculous situation where six State and two Territory regimes support huge bureaucracies planning and implementing education regimes.
These regimes bear no relation to each other. Even the selection of books as required reading - and on which exams are held - have no common basis.
People with children who change state face a nightmare as bewildered children find themselves facing an education regime totally different from the system they are used to - and as a consequence many bright pupils find themselves disadvantaged.
The suggestion of a common education policy has brought howls of denial from the states and territories. All claim that the system they have in place is far superior - and any change to a common policy would mean " dumbing down " to something inferior.
The real reason for the objections are more personal. Egos are at stake - and so are jobs. If a common education policy is to come into effect the state and territory education regimes will need to be dismantled in favour of a new Federal planning body - which will be formed by representatives from those bodies involved. Obviously this will see a big reduction in the education planning staff in each state and territory - and for the education unions that is anathema.
The fact that both sides of politics agree is an omen that this long awaited benefit will happen - although there will be tough talk ahead to overcome objections from the regimes involved. Australia will certainly benefit from a common education policy in all parts of the country. After all, we are one nation. Why would we need multiple and disconnected education policies ? For once, common sense seems set to prevail !

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